Broj 3-4
“Studentska vremena”, Proljeće-zima 2023. Dvobroj 3-4 (Žurnal studentskog kluba “Ibn Sina”) Journal “Students’ times”, Spring-Winter 2023. No. 3-4 (Journal of the Students club “Ibn Sina”)
Ibn Sina – Naučnoistraživački institut Sarajevo
“Studentska vremena”, Proljeće-zima 2023. Dvobroj 3-4 (Žurnal studentskog kluba “Ibn Sina”) Journal “Students’ times”, Spring-Winter 2023. No. 3-4 (Journal of the Students club “Ibn Sina”)
“Studentska vremena”, Proljeće-ljeto 2022. Broj 2 (Žurnal studentskog kluba “Ibn Sina”) Journal “Students’ times”, Spring-Summer 2022. No. 2 (Journal of the Students club “Ibn Sina”)
“Studentska vremena”, Jesen-zima 2021. Broj 1 (Žurnal studentskog kluba “Ibn Sina”) Journal “Students’ times”, Autumn-winter 2021. No. 1 (Journal of the Students club “Ibn Sina”)