Ibn Sina – Naučnoistraživački institut Sarajevo


Ibn Sina

Naučnoistraživački institut, Sarajevo

Ibn Sina
Naučnoistraživački institut, Sarajevo

The Life and Work of Seid ef. Strik



Senella Krehić-Fočak


This paper presents the life and work of the famous dervish and Sufi, professor Seid Strik. In addition to basic biographical data, the paper deals specifically with articles, in terms of analyzing, some of which remained unpublished, prepared for print, and the like. Topics covered by Strik give an insight into the broad range of topics he dealt with that relate to Islamic-tasawwuf issues, tradition, culture, history, and science. A detailed treatment of all the topics that Strik left behind as a written heritage in the form of articles, would require a much broader study, and only a few of them are addressed here. An effort to present his view of tasawwuf and tariqah was presented through several of his works dealing with the subject, as well as with the tradition and nurturing of Muslim rites in Bosnia and Herzegovina. These views are presented primarily through an article that sublimates his view on the tasawwuf, as well as those on particular dervish orders, the specifics of interpretation and the preservation of the nasheed tradition, which another section of the paper deals with, and that is the transmittion, listening and singing of nasheeds, on which originality Strik placed particular emphasis. Evidently attaching great importance to the theoretical basis of knowledge of the matter, he stood out with his manner of interpretation – in performing
and interpretation of nasheeds which aimed at preserving authenticity and saving from oblivion, emphasizing the importance of emotion. Preserving the values of universal knowledge, presenting tasawwuh and the tariqah way of life, as part of the tradition of Bosnian culture, a tolerant spirit that pervaded efforts to bring this to fruition, marked his life and his work significantly

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URL: /en/zivot-i-djelo-seida-ef-strika-2/


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