UDK 28-1:111
Rusmir Šadić
The term ‘metaphysics of being’ in this article aims to explicate the turn in Islamic philosophy ascribed to Mulla Sadra’s development of the idea of transcendent philosophy (ḥikmamuta’âliyya) in which thetheory of being occupies a central position. Namely, Shirazi, establishing the precise differentiation between the concept and the reality of being, claims that being – as the basis of all things – is that according to which everything is what it is, and that the entire reality is nothing else but gradation of that being which in its basis is one and indivisible. The author will present the interpretation of that philosophical position on the basis of content analysis of central parts of Kitâb al-mašâ’ir as a work which synthesizes the entire existential ontology of the philosopher from Shiraz.
metaphysics of being, ontology, reality, gradation, transcendent philosophy