Ibn Sina – Naučnoistraživački institut Sarajevo


Ibn Sina

Naučnoistraživački institut, Sarajevo

Ibn Sina
Naučnoistraživački institut, Sarajevo

korica znakovi 87 88

The New Issue of the Periodical “The Signs of Time” is Published: The Future of Palestine Analysed

The new issue 87/88 of the periodical “The Signs of Time”, edited by Adnan Silajdžić, PhD, is published and in the issue one can find articles dedicated to the Palestinian issue.

Considering the world day of Quds, two papers dedicated to this topic have been published within the issue. The paper entitled “Međunarodno pravo i spor Izraela i Palestine” (eng. The International Law and the Conflict between Israel and Palestine), authored by Seyyed Mohammad Baqer Amiriyan, focuses on the actual analysis of the Isreal-Palestine conflict, while other authors such as Mohammadreza Malaki and Farzad Mohammadzadeh Ebrahimi in their article analyse and explore “Normalizacija odnosa arapskog svijeta i Izraela” (eng. The Normalisation of the Relations between the Arabic World and Israel).

In her paper, Mirela Imširović deals with “Geopolitička paradigma u savremenom svijetu” (eng. The Geopolitical Paradigm in Contemporary World), whereas Izet Ibreljić analyses “Pozicija i geopolitičko rivalstvo Kine i Sjedinjenih Američkih Država” (eng. The Position and Geopolitical Rivalry of China and the United States or America). Within the section dedicated to gnosis and philosophy, “Transcendentna teozofija Sadruddina Širazija” (eng. The Transcendental Theosophy of Sadruddin Shirazi), the author Mohamed Jafer Zarean deals with the parallel analysis of the peripatetic and ishraqi philosophy.

Husein Kavazović, the Reis ul-ulema of the Islamic Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the article “Napomene o uporednom pravu” (eng. Notes on Comparative Law), treats the contribution of Ibn Rushd within the development of this scientific branch. Alek Berković discusses the issue of “Katolička crkva, nauka i nasilje” (eng. The Catholic Church, Science and Violence), while Shahab Yar Khan deals with the question of “Novoateizam u savremenoj engleskoj prozi” (eng. New-atheism in Contemporary Fiction in English).

In the section dedicated to Iranian studies, papers by Fatema Beratlou i Mahshid Razavi Rezvani deal with “Semiotika u perzijskoj gnostičkoj književnosti” (eng. Semiotics in Persian Gnostic Literature).

The periodical “The Sings of Time” by the Science and Research “Ibn Sina” Institute, which has enjoyed a significant scientific reputation in the Balkans, has been publishing since 1997, both in Bosnian and English.
