Ibn Sina – Naučnoistraživački institut Sarajevo


Ibn Sina

Naučnoistraživački institut, Sarajevo

Ibn Sina
Naučnoistraživački institut, Sarajevo

enciklopedijski Almanah 1

The Islamic Encyclopaedia Almanac published in Croatia


The Islamic Encyclopaedia Almanac, a unique project of the Islamic Community of the Islamic Community in Croatia, after several years of persistent work has been finalized and has recently emerged from the press.
In Almanah, among other things, are represented persons of the Muslim faith who in any way and in any area contributed to the development of the Community, Croatia and Croatian society to the present day. Almanac was published in April.
Although official promotion will be in September, when it will be available in broader sales, it’s already available in the Zagreb mosque.

According to the Meshihat of the ISlamic Society in Croatia, the decision to equalize Islam with other religions in ​​Croatia was an institutional basis for the development of this religious community and as such is extremely socially useful.
The structure of the book is not a classic encyclopaedia – except that the standards necessary for the encyclopaedic work are satisfied, the book also contains a historical account of the development of the Islamic Community in Croatia.
But it also shows that there is virtually no area of ​​activity – from science, culture, sport, political or other social engagement, in which members of the Muslim community have left a noticeable trace.
“We held it important to offer information about people who have special merits for the development of the Islamic Community in Croatia, regardless of their commitment or spiritual connection with the Community, as well as the entire society through their scientific, cultural, artistic, sports and other benefits. Also, no less important are the numerous events, as well as the basic notions of the religion of Islam, since at the same time we can understand what kind of religious principles motivate people to do good and deter them from evil, “Meshihat said.
The Islamic Encyclopaedia Almanac contains 1,200 clauses, of which nearly 500 refer to the names of meritorious people.
The remainder refers to religious terms, those related to Islamic culture and civilization, and events from the history of Islam. There are also many national and other associations emerging from the Islamic Community, especially in the early 1990s, which are mentioned in the context of the contribution to the development of the wider community.
Given that it is an encyclopaedic act that requires consideration of the contribution of Islamic culture in all segments, it says that it can be said that this was a particular challenge in the work and realization.
The project was attended by dozens of people with contributions in various fields, and in the collection of data, they allegedly helped the imams , but the biggest task was done by the smaller team.
The book also contains more than 450 illustrations, photographs and pictures, which are intended to complement and visualize the content.
We congratulate the Meshihat of the Islamic Community in Croatia for this praiseworthy venture, believing that this Almanah contributed more to preserving the memory and fostering of the heritage of the great people who left a trace in the existence and action of Muslims in the Republic of Croatia and wider, from Musa Cazim Catic to Salim Šabić, Sulejman Mašović, Osman Muftić, Dževad Jogunčić and many others.almanah str 1
