Ibn Sina – Naučnoistraživački institut Sarajevo


Ibn Sina

Naučnoistraživački institut, Sarajevo

Ibn Sina
Naučnoistraživački institut, Sarajevo

The identity position in the critical flow of international relations;Identity foundations of the Islamic Republic of Iran

UDK 323.2


Rouhollah Kaderi Kangavari


Until the end of 1980s, most international relations experts based their assumptions on ontological materialistic-epistemological positivistic foundations, with examples for it found in theories of relativism and liberalism, as well as their later branches, that is, neorealism and neoliberalism. However, with the end of the Cold War and fall of the USSR, the positivism representing unity of natural and social sciences and differentiating facts and values showed inefficiency of its theory in understanding and foreseeing social-political changes. That is why, in these times, we witnessed forming of numerous critical theories in the field of social-political studies based on various trans-theoretical foundations. In other words, these theories were based on ontological non-material, spiritual and epistemological-positivistic foundations. That is why the main goal of this paper is to observe and analyze two critical theories of constructivism and postcoloniolism and their semantic, culturological, normativistic and identity approaches, on one side, and to explain identity foundations of the Islamic Republic of Iran as a pattern of a political system that criticises the existing state of being and violent and injust structures of the international order, on the other. Article 152 of the Constitution of the IR of Iran explicitly says: „The foreign politics of the IR of Iran is based on negating any form of hegemony and oppresion, preserving total independence and teritorial integrity of the state, protection of rights of all Muslims, non-aligning to any hegemonic forces and peace-loving relations to pacifistic countries.

Key words

international relations, the IR of Iran, critical theory, positivism, transpositivism, identity, constructivism, postcolonialism

URL: https://www.ibn-sina.net/en/the-identity-position-in-the-critical-flow-of-international-relations-identity-foundations-of-the-islamic-republic-of-iran/


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