Ibn Sina – Naučnoistraživački institut Sarajevo


Ibn Sina

Naučnoistraživački institut, Sarajevo

Ibn Sina
Naučnoistraživački institut, Sarajevo


The Director of the “Ibn Sina” Institute in Visitation of the Visoko Public Library

On November 26, the director of the “Ibn Sina” Science and Research Institute in Sarajevo, Mr Mohammad Hossein Abbasi, accompanied by his delegation, came to visit the Public Library in Visoko. The delegation was welcomed and hosted by the directress of the Library, Mrs Ajša Šahinović.

The director of the Institute gifted the Library with the most prominent pieces of the “Ibn Sina” publications, and we point out the book “The Sufi Path of Knowledge”, as well as all volumes of the journal “The Signs of Time”. During their particularly constructive talk, further steps concerning the mutual collaboration were discussed between the “Ibn Sina” Institute and the Public Library in Visoko, i. e. organising mutual promotions regarding the most prominent publications of the Institute.

Mr Abbasi invited the directress of the Public Library in Visoko, Mrs Ajša Šahinović, to come by to the Institute; during her visit the protocol of mutual collaboration would be signed. After the meeting, the Directress Šahinović introduced the Institute director to the sections of the Library in Visoko.

