Ibn Sina – Naučnoistraživački institut Sarajevo


Ibn Sina

Naučnoistraživački institut, Sarajevo

Ibn Sina
Naučnoistraživački institut, Sarajevo

The 13th International “Farabi” Award Given to the Researcher of the “Ibn Sina” Institute

It is our honour to announce that Mubina Moker, PhD, the Head of the Persian Language and Literature Department at the Science and Research “Ibn Sina” Institute has been awarded as the best researcher at the 13th International Science Festival “Farabi”, within the area of Iranian and Islamic studies. The award has been presented to Mubina Moker, PhD, for her scientific and research endeavour during the process of translating “Ilahinama”, by Attar Nishapur.

The closing ceremony of this International Science Festival was held on July 5, 2022, in Tehran, and the ceremony was attended by the Ayatollah Ebrahim Raisi, the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Education Minister, and a large number of eminent persons from the area of science and culture, and as ambassadors of foreign countries.

Moker, PhD, attended the event online, whereas the awards which hold the Honorary Plaque from the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Honorary Plaque from the UNESCO National Committee, the Honorary Plaque of the ISESCO Regional Office (Islamic Organisation for Education, Science and Culture), cultural gifts and Iranian handcrafts, were received by Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina for Iran, in her name.

The awards will soon be given to Mubina Moker, PhD, at the official ceremony which will be held at the “Ibn Sina” Institute in Sarajevo, which will be attended by the ambassadors of both countries, and the respect will be given to the scientific and cultural status of this respectable intellectual.

It should be noted that it is the third time within the span of last 10 years that research-employees of the “Ibn Sina” Institute, whose books have been published within the Institute, receive prestigious awards at this International Festival. Prior to Moker, PhD, the awards for the best publishers were granted to the Academic Rešid Hafizović, for the book “The Human Visage in the Mirror of Sufi Literature” and to Munir Drkić, PhD, for the book “Multilingualism in the Mesnevia of Jalaluddin Rumi”.

You can see Mubina Moker’s speech at the closing award-receiving ceremony of the 13th International Science Festival “Farabi”, Tehran, July 5, 2022.

