Ibn Sina – Naučnoistraživački institut Sarajevo


Ibn Sina

Naučnoistraživački institut, Sarajevo

Ibn Sina
Naučnoistraživački institut, Sarajevo

Znakovi V 83 84

New issue of magazine “Signs of the time” (83/84)

The Ibn Sina Research Institute in Sarajevo has published a new issue of the periodical magazine “Signs of the Time” (83/84). The first section of the new issue is dedicated to Fazlur Rahman, with texts on this subject signed by Mustafa Cerić and Alireza Azad. Other texts  cover  topics: The notion of the mute in the Muslim tradition; The Position of Woman in Plato’s Philosophy; Can modern universities lead to the truth of certainty; Identities, religion and social structure in medieval Bosnia. The current double issue of the Sign of the Time also features texts on the tevseer methodology of Allameh Tabataba’i, about the role of Naim Faraseri in shaping Albanian identity, and other.
