Ibn Sina – Naučnoistraživački institut Sarajevo


Ibn Sina

Naučnoistraživački institut, Sarajevo

Ibn Sina
Naučnoistraživački institut, Sarajevo

ISMAIL HAKKI BURSEVI: Retrospection on His Life, Tasawwuf Thought and Work

(Honoring the 290th Anniversary of His Death: 1653-1725)

UDK 28


Dženan Hasić


This article presents the basic biographical and bibliographical informations about Shaikh Ismail Hakki Bursevi (1653-1725), who was also known as Ismail Hakki Jelveti, because he was a follower of the Jelveti order, a branch of Halveti sufi order. He knew the different islamic scientific areas very well, and wrote about one hundred and thirty works. Certainly, his most famous work, which brought him fame throughout the Islamic world is Ruh al-bayan (The Spirit of Explanation), a momentous esoteric interpretation of the Holy Qur’an. He was also famous for his interpretation of Rumi’s famous book Mathnavi. He named it Ruh al-Mathnavi (The Spirit of Mathnavi), or Sharh al-Mathnavi (The Interpreter of Mathnavi). Apart from cherishing the doctrine of Halvati and Bayrami sufi orders, he knew and respected the knowledge and work of the Grand Shaikh Ibn ‘Arabi, whose influence is very evident in the work of Shaikh Ismail Hakki.

Key words

Shaikh Ismail Hakki Bursevi, Ruh al-bayan, Ruh al-Mathnavi, Shaikh Osman Fazli, Shaikh Ibn ‘Arabi, tasawwuf, Halveti sufi order, Bayrami sufi order, Jelveti sufi order

URL: https://www.ibn-sina.net/en/ismail-hakki-bursevi-retrospection-on-his-life-tasawwuf-thought-and-work/


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