UDK 327:911.3
Mirela Imširović
Time presents one of the more important factors in defining of the course of action in geopolitics. Speaking within the framework from 1949 to 2019, we can follow two approaches to formation of the geopolitical paradigm. The first approach, the course of the Cold War and events following its cessation together with the changes that would have ensued, and the other approach, which claims that the Cold War is not yet over, only its hotspot has been moved to another geographical sphere of influence, structurally but also geopolitically. This paper, through the analysis of the important events of the contemporary world, aims to present the origin and formation of one geopolitical paradigm or model. The suggested geopolitical model in this paper, illustrated the example of locating event within the prism of the model, allowing the prediction of its impact and socio-political expectations.
Key words
Cold War, bipolarism, the balance of power, Europe as the object of international relations, unipolarism, geopolitics