UDK 316.72
Saeid Abedpour
Here is the question: are religious and political dialogues in danger or are we trapped by identity fiction? The identity fiction is as equally dangerous as identity crisis. Nationalism, chauvinism and ethnicism are emotional and identity fictions that negate the power of productive thoughts and which, in confronting power, are used as means for inducing crises and tensions. By creating fiction and wrong perception more than earlier we depart from our essential identity thus creating interspace and void between ourselves and our essential identity. In this confusion of thoughts, we cannot clearly tell our nationality, history, religion or politics. We see religion as rites and traditional values and hence we actually part with religion and its values and subsequently with essential religious beliefs and experience. Or as Dariush Shayegan would say: “We are children of intervals of time, found in interspace of inter-presence of gods and their imminent death.
Key words
identity fiction, religion, religiousness pro-Westernism, selfalienation, Dariush Shayegan